Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan

…for the future of Sandbach

Sandbach NDP Passes Examination

Posted by on Feb 4, 2016 in Cheshire, Meetings, Planning, Sandbach


After many months of intensive work, the Sandbach Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group, in conjunction with Sandbach Town Council has prepared a neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish of Sandbach.

A stringent independent examination of the Plan has been undertaken by Mr Terry Raymond Heselton BA (Hons), Dip TP, MRTPI, who concluded that the Plan meets all of the statutory requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and subject to some modifications, is approved as ready to proceed to referendum. When referring to the modifications, the examiner concluded that the essence of the policies remain and provide a framework, for managing future development proposals and protecting and enhancing the local environment.

Mr Ian Knowlson, Chairman of the Working Group, stated “We are delighted and proud with the positive comments made by the examiner in respect of the methodology, structure and policies of our Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan. The examiner makes specific reference to the methodologies engagement especially of the young members within our community; this demonstrates a positive approach to engaging young people in the preparation of the plan.

Despite several objections from developers on the engagement and consultation process, the examiner fully endorsed the methodology used by the Working Group and the ‘open and transparent manner from start to finish’. It was also acknowledged that in some cases the Working Group exceeded all consultation and publicity requirements.

Whilst the examiner recommended some amendments to the plan, overall we are pleased with the final Sandbach NDP and we hope the community will share our view and vote positively for it to be ‘made’ in the forth-coming referendum. The NDP Working Group believe it represents a major step in giving the community of Sandbach a voice in how our town develops over the forthcoming years and we hope the thousands of community members who participated in producing the plan are proud of what they have achieved.”

Last Thursday, Sandbach Town Council unanimously agreed to accept the examiner’s report and recommendations and to request Cheshire East Council to proceed to public referendum at the earliest opportunity, which is likely to be Spring.

Town Mayor, Cllr Gill Merry said “To have arrived at this stage in such a relatively short space of time is testament to the hard work and dedication of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, our thanks must also go to those who have made a significant contribution to planning and shaping the Town’s future by responding to the consultations and questionnaires. Please continue to do that through the referendum process”.

A copy of the agreed plan can be found


Cheshire East Council should soon be publishing details of the referendum.

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